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Climate impact and community empowerment.

In pursuit of a better world, the well-being of our environment and local communities are intertwined. That's why our projects are focused on producing a dual impact that benefits both people and the planet.

To us, effective partnership means prioritizing local needs.

This is how our local-centric mindset takes shape.

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    Integrated Site Selection

    Cultivate Power develops projects that integrate optimally with the land. Our partners live and farm without interruption while hosting solar farms that mutually benefit their families and the community. Our site selection involves extensive dialogue with farmers and planning authorities to align on needs so that we can build community-integrated solar farms that generate clean, low-cost power.

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    Tailored Community Gains

    Every community has distinct attributes, and our benefits are customized to suit their unique needs. Beyond providing accessible, clean energy and increasing local tax revenue, Cultivate Power delves into the priorities and intricacies of each host community. We develop community-benefit strategies that address local needs and cultivate opportunities for prosperity.

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    Fostering Regional Partnerships

    To truly deliver tailored community benefits, we nurture local relationships and cultivate connections with regional organizations. Our locally-based teams emphasize cooperative partnerships with the community that address specific needs and create regionally specific benefits. By fostering local connections, we harness real growth built in cooperation with the community itself.

Cultivating better impact

We cultivate purposeful impact by empowering communities and energizing the future.

  1. Cleaner power. Embracing renewable energy for a more sustainable planet.
  2. More resilience and reliability. Locally produced and stored power increases energy independence and strengthens the grid.
  3. Generated locally, consumed locally. Distributed energy resources reduce transportation costs and carbon emissions.

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